You might have heard of this term when people draw up the plans to construct their homes. In this blog, aim to give you few interesting insights and helpful information to throw more light on ‘Vastu’
What actually is Vastu?
Vastu is an Indian traditional system of architecture. It sets out the principles of design and overall layout of your home, to usher in positive energy and harmony. Please be assured that Vastu is not mandatory. You can follow it if your house space and location permits it.
In any case, don’t listen to negativities few so called ‘Vastu experts’ seem to spew. Your house not meeting the Vastu specifications is not a huge concern, and won’t impact you majorly.
An in-depth dive into the Vastu process
You might have heard the terms –
- Eesaani Moolai
- Kubera Moolai
- Agni Moolai, and
- Vaayu Moolai
These specifications are based on the direction of sunlight. Ideally, for Vastu to be effective, we need each house to have an abundance of sunlight. In reality, not all houses are aligned perfectly to be in the straight line of sunlight. And, the amount of sunlight is not the same throughout the year. So 100% Vastu/perfect Vastu doesn’t exist.
Does Vastu non- compliance affect us?
In one line – Only if you believe that it will!
For example – a visitor might comment that the pooja room door is facing the wrong direction and might bring you misfortune. Another might say – that the pooja room is perfect
The irony is that negative comments have the power to affect you more than positive comments. If you let that negative comment bring up doubts in your mind, you might end up facing real misfortune as negative thoughts have the power to manifest itself in the energy at home.
So, the effective way to stay happy is to believe in positive auras. Tune your mind to understand this basic premise. For a house, proper air and ventilation is crucial. It is generally advised to keep the main door east or north facing. If south facing door ushers in more sunlight in your site, choose this option for your home.
HOW TO INCREASE POSITIVE ENERGY IN OUR HOUSE – this is a beautiful forward I received. Sharing it here for your benefit.
*1.* Open all windows in the house and allow fresh air and sunshine to enter the house. Free flow of air and sun rays are negative energy remover
*2.* Dispose of all the old(not the one which holds memory) unwanted things lying in the house. Clutter is a negativity magnet. It attracts and accumulates negative energy in the house.
*3.* Walking barefoot in the house helps all your negative energy to be absorbed by the earth. Grounding is important to keep the energy balance in our body.
*4.* In olden days, foot- wears were kept out of the house. People used to enter the house only after washing their feet with water. This action ensures that all the negativity(majorly germs) remains outside or are grounded by earth and does not enter the house. Now it has become difficult to keep the footwear outside. So preferably remove them near the entrance door.
*5.* Go out in the open air. Take walks in the garden (greenery matters a lot) or open ground. Being amongst nature re-energizes or charges you fully.
*6.* Sweeping the floor also ensures that the negative energies are shaken and moved out with the dirt
*7.* Rock(disinfectant) salt is another negativity remover. Wash or mop your floor with a fistful rock salt in a bucket of water. This ensures that every nook and corner of the house is rid of negative energy (dust and germs).
*8.* Potted plants or trees around your house or society also ensures more positive energy ( more of O₂ ) in the house and area.
*9.* Bathing or Soaking your legs and hands in rock salt water once in a while helps removing the negativity attached to your body and cleanse your aura.
*11.* Repetition of Prayers, increases the positive vibrations in the house.
*12.* Keep your thoughts, action and speech Positive. Negative thoughts will bring in negative vibes. So avoid all negative thoughts, speech and actions.
*13.* Keep your house well-lit and illuminated. Light removes negativity. Eyes have natural tendency to adjust its eyesight according to the illumination in the room, so more light is less strain to eyes.
*14.* Keep faith in God and in most importantly yourself. You are the Creator of your own destiny by the Choices you make.
If you read it in depth, it talks more of your physical health in terms of positive energy. Naturally, good physical health is the base for good mental health, and mental health decides everything that’s happening in your life. So let’s work on it.
Okay, to sum up, if you want to follow Vastu, here are few main criteria.
- If the kitchen on southeast or north west (exactly diagonal) – you might have doubts on which direction the stove should face. Simple solution is – where you get ample amounts of light, for the simple reason that nothing falls into the dish unknowingly.
- North east is ideal for main door or pooja room or window
- If the kitchen on southeast or north west (exactly diagonal) – you might have doubts on which direction the stove should face. Simple solution is – where you get ample amounts of light, for the simple reason that nothing falls into the dish unknowingly.
- North east is ideal for main door or pooja room or window
- South west is kubera moola meant for almirah/wardrobe. It is believed that we shouldn’t keep it open or place toilets there. But I have seen people who kept doors and toilets in kubera moola and remain unaffected.
- Indoor plants or pets really add up liveliness to the house – only if you have interest in it. Some may not like pets, it’ll be a headache for them.
There are so many Vastu specifications for each and every room, including pooja/wardrobe/maindoor etc, for which single blog is not sufficient. Kindly get back with your floor plan.
There is a big topic called ‘aesthetics’ which is as interesting as this, we will look into later.
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